Amy Hertz. That’s me. Message impact is my sport, and amplifying yours is where I live. I’ve published lots of bestselling books and I’ve had web content go viral. I’ve helped high profile individuals create high stakes presentations and up the ante on their speaking skills. That moment when a client lights up with discovery of their authentic message is what I get up for every day. Putting your ideas into the perfect package and positioning is my favorite puzzle to solve.
Projects and clients include:
Eat Right 4 Your Type: Peter D’Adamo’s blood type diet and the beginning of an 18 book franchise The Art of Happiness: The Dalai Lama’s first and biggest bestseller The Female Brain: Louann Brizendine, MD’s groundbreaking book that added the term to the lexicon and became a movie starring Sofia Vergara. Also by Louann Brizendine, The Upgrade: How the Female Brain Gets Stronger and Better in Midlife and Beyond. The Universe in a Single Atom and Ethics for the New Millennium: two other New York Times bestsellers by the Dalai Lama Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather’s Blessings: Rachel Remen, MD’s New York Times bestsellers, The Jew In the Lotus by Rodger Kamenetz Sometimes Brilliant: Tech pioneer, founder of The Well and first exec director of Google.org, public health guru Larry Brilliant’s memoir of participating in the eradication of the one and only disease ever wiped out in human history Prophetic City: The culmination of nearly 40 years of unique surveys of America’s fourth largest city, co-authored with Rice University sociologist Stephen Klineberg. Douglas Brinkley called it “a masterfully researched and eloquently written investigation.”
And more: Hundreds of books published, articles written for the biggest women’s magazines, included in Oprah Magazine’s Best of collections
Presentations produced for SXSW, Fortune 500 product pitches, content generation and messaging readjustments for Big 4 Consulting, mid-size corporations and $1.3 billion foundation.
A founding editor of Riverhead Books, Huffington Post Books, Huffington Post Divorce. Content strategist and generator for BeingHuman.org, David Westin (former President, ABC News), BarnesandNoble.com, Penguin digital marketing, Vook, Kinder Institute for Social Research at Rice University, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Emory Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion Based Ethics, Episcopal Health Foundation among others.